Welcome Home, Kearns Family!
Mano en Mano is excited to announce that with support of the Housing Barrier Removal Fund, 14 families purchased homes or land in Downeast Maine and are one step closer to meeting their housing goals!
Jennifer Kearns in front of her new home purchased with support from the housing barrier removal fund.
One of these new families is the Kearns Family- consisting of Jennifer Kearns and her daughter who recently moved into their new home in Harrington.
Jennifer was born and raised in Cherryfield, Maine and returned to the area after living away from the Downeast for over ten years.
She shares,
“Growing up in Downeast Maine allowed me to become a confident and independent person, thanks to the support of my hometown of Cherryfield and my family. Our close knit community stole my heart in my family's time of need on December 23, 1989 when we lost our home in a fire. It seemed as if the entire town helped us get back on our feet. We were offered a house to rent, were given gifts of clothes, essential household goods and money on a daily basis by our loving friends, neighbors and strangers. I never forgot this generosity, and it shaped my view on the world in a very positive and giving way.”
Jennifer's love of her home and community inspired her to plant roots in Downeast Maine and purchase a home here. However, a competitive real estate market and other barriers made the goal of home ownership difficult to obtain.
She says that,
“Saving money for a down payment is a daunting task, especially while putting a child through college, being a single mom, and working in a low income area. Without this grant, it would have been several more years before I was able to purchase a house of my own…Thankfully I was able to purchase my first home - a goal I had been working toward for years!”
Jennifer is one of forty grant recipients that received support from the Housing Barrier Removal Fund. The fund was created in partnership with the Maine Seacoast Mission, Downeast Community Partners, Sunrise County Economic Council, and the Community Caring Collaborative, to support individuals and families in Downeast Maine to meet their long-term housing goals.
Individuals and families were invited to apply for up to $10,000 as a one time grant for down payment assistance or home renovation needs. In total, the fund distributed 40 grants to support folks reach their homeownership goals.
Recipients of funds will also receive access to a financial coach who will provide support in preparing realistic budgets, building financial goals and accessing public resources that may be available to them. Work with the financial coach will be available to recipients at no cost to them.
Over the last year 14 families purchased homes or land in Downeast Maine and 12 grantees have completed renovations on their existing homes to make them livable.
The fund's main goal was to support individuals and families seeking financial security by supporting their capacity to buy and maintain homes, and ensure that folks with ties to our community have the means to stay. In doing so, the Housing Barrier Removal Fund supports the growth and vibrancy of Downeast Maine.
The community of Downeast Maine was a major factor in the Kearns family moving to the area. Jennifer says,
“I lived away from "home" for a decade, living in Massachusetts, New York City and Southern Maine. Living in other areas only deepened my sense of belonging to Downeast Maine. There is no other place on this Earth where the people are as concerned with what is going on around them as they are here.”
We are so excited to celebrate the Kearns family and congratulate them on their huge accomplishment as first time homeowners!
Welcome home, Kearns family!