2024 Wreath Season
As the temperatures drop and the days grow shorter, the population of Downeast Maine is growing!
Wreath season has begun in Downeast Maine, and folks are arriving to the area to work in factories and in forests across the region
The start of October marks the beginning of wreath season- a time of year when folks harvest pine boughs from forests throughout Downeast Maine and make wreaths in factories scattered across the region.
This fall our team is reporting an increase in the amount of people arriving in the area. We estimate that upwards of 2,000 people are working in wreath factories and in the forests of Downeast Maine making wreaths and harvesting pine boughs and tips.
Many folks arriving in the area do not have the warm clothing needed to stay safe and warm during Maines winters, and many are not provided essential supplies like warm blankets, sheets or gloves. In addition, many workers are housed in rural areas, with limited transportation and access to food and other essential items.
In order to support workers to overcome these barriers, our team has organized a total of 4 site based and multiple mobile Welcome and Resource fairs. At the fairs folks enjoy a hot meal, visit our culturally nourishing food pantry, get warm clothing, and make connections with Mano en Mano staff and partner organizations working in the areas of education, health, legal aid, and other social services. Folks can also apply to the Food and Farmworker Relief Fund with the support of our staff.
This year, we collaborated with the Maine Seacoast mission in Cherryfield to host the fairs, and ensure that folks have the food and clothing to stay safe and healthy this winter. So far this fall and winter we have completed 15 outreach events, supporting over 2,000 people. We also distributed 53,946 lbs of food (an estimated 64,735 meals!) to community members and will continue throughout the winter to make sure that workers have the support they need.
Director of Mano en Manos Access to Essential Services program, Laura Thomas says,
“We are stronger when we work together, and our area is more vibrant with our seasonal community. We want to make sure that folks feel welcomed and know how much we value both their work and their presence. We also want to keep folks safe and make sure that they know that they have our support while they are here.”
In addition to food, our team is working hard to distribute warm blankets, coats, mittens and gloves so that folks have the clothing required to stay safe amidst the cold temperatures ahead. With the holidays season quickly approaching, we will continue to welcome workers in the area, and ensure that folks have the supplies and support they need.
If you would like to support our work, please donate today!