Rayitos de Sol Breaks Ground
This past week, Mano en Mano broke ground at the site of what will be the new Rayitos de Sol Bilingual Childcare facility in Milbridge Maine.
Kiddos help break ground on the new Rayitos de Sol Bilingual Childcare facility.
The new facility will offer more space and infrastructure to serve up to 40 children and help the center more effectively serve infants, toddlers, preschoolers and provide after school programming for elementary school students.
Rayitos de Sol Bilingual Childcare opened its doors in January 2021, with the mission to provide bilingual Spanish and English child care services that center the languages and cultures of the students we serve. The center is open to all families in the Downeast community, including families arriving to the area seasonally to perform agricultural work.
Since it opened, the center has provided accessible care through the Maine Child subsidy program, and The Familia Fund- a scholarship program that provides support to migrant families that qualify for the Maine Child Care Subsidy Program, but due to the systemic barriers (including extended time in processing applications, waitlists, etc.), these services are not accessible during the time period families are in the area. These sources of support help ensure that childcare services are available to all families in the area.
In addition to creating new jobs and the increasing capacity to serve more families, the center will incorporate spaces that have been prioritized by community members including: Mano en Manos Food Pantry, community areas, a playground, and indoor recreation spaces.
The groundbreaking event incorporated a land dedication centering ceremony led by elder and musician Hubert Francis, from Elpsipogtog who said, “May this center be a place that connects our children back to the community and be medicine that honors our shared individuality.”
We also welcomed Cynthia Murphy from Coastal Enterprises Inc. (CEI), Tara Williams from Maine Early Childhood Outdoors (MeECO), as well as Stephanie Moores and Lucía García, two parents whose children receive services at Rayitos de Sol. All spoke of the importance of community and collaboration in making the center a success.
Before breaking ground on the center with the help of the kiddos of Rayitos de Sol, Juana Rodriguez Vazques, Executive Director of Mano en Mano and Director of Rayitos de Sol said,
“I am looking forward to sharing this space with everyone in our community, and working together to create a safe, welcoming environment where children are able to play, learn and grow... Together we can make a stronger and more inclusive Maine, where everyone is welcome and all can thrive.”
The event concluded with a community meal of tamales, pozole, and hot apple cider straight from the Healthy Acadia cider press! Kiddos enjoyed dancing, balloon animals and face painting by local artist, Maeve Perry.
Accessible childcare is a major need in Downeast Maine, and the new Rayitos de Sol childcare building represents new opportunities for families in the area. While there are more funds to raise to bring the center to completion, construction to lay a foundation will be completed in the coming months!
We want to extend our gratitude to community members, partners and donors who have made this day possible. A special thank-you to the Childcare Business Lab at Coastal Enterprises, Inc. (CEI) for their continued support.