Culturally Nourishing Food in the Downeast

This spring, with support from the Good Shepard Food Bank, Mano en Mano was able to supply the Downeast community with culturally nourishing food boxes to support year round and seasonal community members arriving for this summers’ blueberry harvest.

This is the second year that Mano en Mano has been able to realize this initiative.  In 2020 with the support of the Good Shepherd Food band and the Maine Seacoast Mission we distributed 165 boxes of culturally relevant food to a total of 347 people.  Similar to last year, we partnered with the Maine Seacoast Mission in Cherryfield, who supported us with the planning, execution and made additional food available to recipients attending the event. 

This was a time for everyone to see that we are here for one another- As a community we are here to help each other.
— Juan José Castillo Pérez

Juan Jose Castillo Perez, Mano en Manos COVID Support Coordinator and Community Advocate, took an active role in planning and executing the event.  He shares:

“This year we were able to plan using the feedback we received last year and reached out to members of the community to see what kind of food they wanted to receive.  Because of COVID the distributor we worked with was low on a few of the foods we wanted, but we were able to purchase everything that the community expressed interest in.”

Participants were able to select the items in their boxes in an online order form, or in person upon arrival, in order to customize their boxes to their individual needs.  Among the most popular foods selected this year were Jarritos, Maseca and tomatillos.

For many community members, accessing food that is culturally appropriate and nourishing is a barrier that can be difficult to overcome.  Juan Jose shares:

“What motivated us, and myself in particular, to realize this project, is that this past year of being isolated has been really difficult.  Culturally relevant food brings you back home- it gives you that warm feeling like you are safe and secure.  It is really hard for community members to access foods that are familiar to them here since we don’t have bodegas, or specialty food stores in the area.  You would have to travel to Portland or Boston to access a lot of food.  Having this food makes people feel less stressed, happy and at peace.  And seeing everyone smile and give thanks for our work confirmed that belief for me.”

This year Mano en Mano set a goal to distribute 200 boxes and serve a minimum of 400 individuals.  We are excited to report that we exceeded our goal- distributing 209 boxes and serving a total of 701 people over the span of four days.  

In reflecting on the event Juan Jose shares:

The goal of this event was a bit mixed...we wanted to distribute 200 boxes food to community members.  But at the same time it is all about connecting with each community member...talking about their needs, speaking about how they are feeling and seeing if they need anything from Mano.  I can’t say that the only real goal was just to give out the food, because it wasn’t...this was a time for everyone to see that we are here for one another- As a community we are here to help each other.”

We believe that the most important measure of our work is the feedback we receive from community members, and the impact that they see in their daily lives.  Below we have shared some comments from individuals who attended the event:

“Todo bien me gusta mucho que a toda la gente le proveen la comida no importa el color o la raza estoy contenta” 

Everything went well, I really like how food is available for everyone.  It doesn’t matter what color you are or your race.  I am content.”

“Gracias por su ayuda a la comunidad ya que muchos de estos productos no los podemos conseguir en ésta área.”

“Thank you for your support to the community since many of these products we can’t get in this area.”

“Pue todo muy bien me dieron la despensa bien surtida no podía pedir nada más”

“Everything was very good! The box came with a wide variety of products! Couldn’t ask for more!”

If you have additional feedback you would like to give us regarding this event, or would like to share your experience,  please take this survey or reach out to Emma at


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